Viking Conseil was founded by Joseph de Vilmarest.
I graduated from the École Normale Supérieure (ENS Ulm) in 2019, specializing in applied mathematics. I pursued with a PhD program (LPSM, Sorbonne Université and EDF R&D) and I graduated in 2022 on State-Space Models for Time Series Forecasting. Application to the Electricity Market.
I am very interested in forecasting and the energy sector. I am therefore extending my Phd work inside Viking Conseil, with two ambitions:
- Be part of a research ecosystem in time series forecasting: collaborations with researchers in France and abroad, presentations at conferences, participation in competitions…
- Apply innovation in companies that are highly dependent on forecasting, particularly in the energy sector.
Viking Conseil, SAS
26 rue de la Pie, 28000 Chartres
joseph.de-vilmarest [at] vikingconseil.fr